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(燕山大讲堂)Language Contact: Are there constraints on contact-induced change?

Bernd Heine教授  时间:2024-04-07 点击数:



主讲人:Bernd Heine教授


It has been claimed that when languages are in contact, any change is possible as a result of the influence of one language on another. This view has been challenged in that it is also claimed that certain parts of language structure are immune to contact-induced change, such parts including grammatical paradigms, bound morphemes, word order, and core syntax.

Looking at a number of languages from various parts of the world, this paper argues that neither of these claims is entirely correct, but that there are some constraints on what are or are not possible developments in language change.


海涅•贝恩德(Bernd Heine)是享誉世界的语言学家,德国科隆大学(University of Cologne)教授,欧洲科学院院士。美国语言学会、澳大利亚语言学会、英国社会科学院、德国威斯特伐利亚科学院常务组委会委员。曾任澳洲拉筹伯大学、美国斯坦福大学、荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学、德国汉堡大学、法国社会科学院、东京外语学院等多所世界著名学府访问教授。海涅教授在语法化、接触语言学、语言类型学、历史语言学、认知语言学及话语分析等研究领域均有极高的造诣,他奠定了当下语法化理论和语言类型学研究的基础,更是创立了“语言接触引发语法演变理论”。海涅教授还担任Lingua, Studies in Language, Language Sciences, Journal of Historical Linguistics等国际语言学期刊的编审和学术顾问。在海涅教授半个多世纪的语言学研究生涯中,出版了专著(或合著)70余部、发表各类论文百余篇。

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